(A generous quantity of oils are used in this treatment, you may choose to return home to bathe before continuing with your day. )
Lomi Lomi (or lomilomi) is an ancient Hawaiian holistic healing practice which includes herbs, chants, prayers (pule), and other forms of healing. Joyously for me, it also centers around this beautifully flowing form of bodywork.
Lomi Lomi massage primarily uses long, rhythmic, fluid movements… like gentle, rolling waves traveling along the body. This flow deeply nurtures the mind and body, relaxing the entire being to give in and simply be; assisting in a letting go of old beliefs, patterns and behaviors. Traditional Lomi Lomi massage always includes abdominal massage because native Hawaiian medicine considers the intestines to be part of a person’s soul and heart.
This healing practice is believed to have originated from the Polynesian settlers of Hawaii. Lomi Lomi was traditionally used as a healing offering by native healers; as a luxury and an aid to digestion; as a restorative massage for family; by masters of the Hawaiian martial arts (Lua).
Lomi Lomi works on the principle that memories are not just stored in the brain and mind, but also in every cell of the human body. Following the belief that an idea or belief can block energy flow as much as muscle tension can. The long, continuous flow of this massage is designed to ‘bless every cell’ and create balance (lokahi).
The translation of Lomi reflects English words such as ‘to knead, to rub, soothe’. However, the first native Hawaiian to receive a massage license, Aunty Margaret Machado (1916–2009), defined Lomi Lomi as “the loving touch, a connection of heart, hands and soul with the source of all life.”